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Matrix Properties

The Matrix type exposes the following members.

Public propertyBackward
Gets the backward vector formed from the second row -M21, -M22, -M23 elements.
Public propertyDown
Gets the down vector formed from the third row -M31, -M32, -M33 elements.
Public propertyForward
Gets the forward vector formed from the second row M21, M22, M23 elements.
Public propertyStatic memberIdentity
Returns the identity matrix.
Public propertyItemInt32
Gets the value at the specified index.
Public propertyItemInt32, Int32
Gets the value at the specified column and row.
Public propertyLeft
The left vector formed from the first row -M11, -M12, -M13 elements.
Public propertyM11
Gets the first row and first column value.
Public propertyM12
Gets the first row and second column value.
Public propertyM13
Gets the first row and third column value.
Public propertyM14
Gets the first row and fourth column value.
Public propertyM21
Gets the second row and first column value.
Public propertyM22
Gets the second row and second column value.
Public propertyM23
Gets the second row and third column value.
Public propertyM24
Gets the second row and fourth column value.
Public propertyM31
Gets the third row and first column value.
Public propertyM32
Gets the third row and second column value.
Public propertyM33
Gets the third row and third column value.
Public propertyM34
Gets the third row and fourth column value.
Public propertyM41
Gets the fourth row and first column value.
Public propertyM42
Gets the fourth row and second column value.
Public propertyM43
Gets the fourth row and third column value.
Public propertyM44
Gets the fourth row and fourth column value.
Public propertyRight
Gets the right vector formed from the first row M11, M12, M13 elements.
Public propertyRotation
Gets the rotation stored in this matrix.
Public propertyScale
Gets the scale stored in this matrix.
Public propertyTranslation
Gets the position stored in this matrix.
Public propertyUp
Gets the upper vector formed from the third row M31, M32, M33 elements.
See Also