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ServerCommand Enumeration

Note: This API is now obsolete.

Contains the server commands which can be sent to and received from the SampSharp server.

Namespace:  SampSharp.Core.Communication
Assembly:  SampSharp.Core (in SampSharp.Core.dll) Version: 0.0.0-localbuild+05637d43e9f34d872e453289d4e240c843e43b09
[ObsoleteAttribute("Multi-process mode is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.")]
public enum ServerCommand
  Member nameValueDescription
Nop0 No operation.
Ping1 An instruction which can be sent to the server to request a Pong
Print2 An instruction which can be sent to the server to print a message to the console.
Response3 A message which can be sent to the server to deliver the response of a PublicCall or received from the server carrying a reply after FindNative or InvokeNative.
Reconnect4 An instruction which can be sent to the server to indicate the client will disconnect and connect again.
RegisterCall5 An instruction which can be sent to the server to register a callback.
FindNative6 An instruction which can be sent to the server to look a native up.
InvokeNative7 An instruction which can be sent to the server to invoke a native.
Start8 Once sent to the server, Tick and PublicCall calls will start being sent.
Disconnect9 An instruction which tells the server to expect the socket to close at any time.
Alive16 An instruction telling the server the client is still alive.
Tick17 A call sent by the server every server tick.
Pong18 A reply sent by the server after a Ping.
PublicCall19 A call sent by the server when a callback has been called.
Reply20 Obsolete. Obsolete.
Announce21 An announcement sent by the server after connecting to the server.
See Also