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SampSharp.Entities.SAMP Namespace

[Missing <summary> documentation for "N:SampSharp.Entities.SAMP"]

Public classActor
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of an actor.
Public classBaseNativeComponent
Public classDialogRowCollectionT
Represents a collection of dialog rows.
Public classDialogService
Provides dialog functionality.
Public classDialogSystem
Represents a system for handling dialog functionality
Public classEntityMiddleware
Represents a middleware which replaces an integer entity id with an entity in the arguments of an event.
Public classGangZone
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a gang zone.
Public classGlobalObject
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of an object.
Public classInputDialog
Represents a dialog with an input field.
Public classListDialog
Represents a dialog with a list of selectable rows.
Public classListDialogRow
Represents a row in a ListDialog
Public classListDialogRowCollection
Represents a collection of dialog rows of type ListDialogRow.
Public classMathHelper
Contains commonly used pre-calculated values and mathematical operations.
Public classMenu
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a menu.
Public classMessageDialog
Represents a dialog with a message.
Public classNativeActor
Public classNativeGangZone
Public classNativeMenu
Public classNativeObject
Public classNativePickup
Public classNativePlayer
Public classNativePlayerObject
Public classNativePlayerTextDraw
Public classNativePlayerTextLabel
Public classNativeTextDraw
Public classNativeTextLabel
Public classNativeVehicle
Public classPickup
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a pickup.
Public classPlayer
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a player.
Public classPlayerObject
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a player object.
Public classPlayerTextDraw
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a per-player textdraw.
Public classPlayerTextLabel
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a player 3D text label.
Public classSampEcsBuilderExtensions
Provides methods for enabling SA:MP systems in an IEcsBuilder instance.
Public classSampEntities
Contains functions for constructing EntityId values for SA:MP native entities.
Public classSampLimitException
Represents an error which occurs when an entity or object could not be created because a SA-MP limit was reached.
Public classSampLimits
Contains limits of SA:MP.
Public classServerService
Represents a service for controlling the SA:MP server.
Public classServerServiceNative
Public classShopName
Contains all shop names.
Public classTablistDialog
Represents a dialog with a list of selectable rows with columns.
Public classTablistDialogRow
Represents a row in a TablistDialog
Public classTablistDialogRowCollection
Represents a collection of dialog rows of type TablistDialogRow.
Public classTextDraw
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a textdraw.
Public classTextLabel
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a 3D text label.
Public classVariableCollection
Represents a collection of SA:MP variables.
Public classVariableCollectionPlayerVariableCollectionNatives
Public classVariableCollectionServerVariableCollectionNatives
Public classVehicle
Represents a component which provides the data and functionality of a vehicle.
Public classVehicleInfoService
Represents a provider of information about vehicles using the natives provided by SA:MP in combination with a local info cache.
Public classVehicleInfoServiceNative
Provides SA:MP natives for the VehicleInfoService.
Public classVisibleDialog
A component which contains the data of the currently visible dialog.
Public classWorldService
Represents a service for adding entities to and control the SA:MP world.
Public classWorldServiceNative
Public structureColor
Represents a hexadecimal color.
Public structureDialogResult
Represents a raw response value to a dialog.
Public structureInputDialogResponse
Represents a response to a InputDialog.
Public structureListDialogResponse
Represents a response to a ListDialog.
Public structureMatrix
Represents the right-handed 4x4 floating point matrix, which can store translation, scale and rotation information.
Public structureMessageDialogResponse
Represents a response to a MessageDialog.
Public structureQuaternion
Represents a quaternion rotation.
Public structureTablistDialogResponse
Represents a response to a TablistDialog.
Public structureVector2
Represents a 2D vector.
Public structureVector3
Represents a 3D vector.
Public structureVector4
Represents a 4D vector.
Public interfaceIDialog
Provides the functionality of a dialog definition.
Public interfaceIDialogTResponse
Provides the functionality of a dialog definition with a specialized dialog response struct of type TResponse.
Public interfaceIDialogRow
Provides the functionality of a dialog row
Public interfaceIDialogService
Provides the functionality for showing dialogs to players.
Public interfaceIServerService
Provides functionality for controlling the SA:MP server.
Public interfaceIVehicleInfoService
Provides functionality for getting information about vehicle models and components.
Public interfaceIWorldService
Provides functionality for adding entities to and controlling the SA:MP world.
Public interfaceVariableCollectionIVariableCollectionNatives
Public enumerationBodyPart
Contains all available body parts.
Public enumerationBone
Contains every bone in a player's body.
Public enumerationBulletHitType
Contains all types of things bullets can hit.
Public enumerationCameraCut
Contains all camera cut styles.
Public enumerationCameraMode
Contains all camera modes.
Public enumerationCarModType
Contains all modification types of vehicles.
Public enumerationCheckpointType
Contains all race checkpoint types.
Public enumerationColorFormat
Contains different formats of String representations of Color instances.
Public enumerationConnectionStatus
Contains the connection status values possible for player connections.
Public enumerationDialogResponse
Contains types of responses to a dialog.
Public enumerationDialogStyle
Contains all dialog styles.
Public enumerationDisconnectReason
Contains all reasons for a player to disconnect.
Public enumerationEditObjectResponse
Contains all object editing responses.
Public enumerationEnterExit
Contains all enter/exit garage states.
Public enumerationExplosionType
Contains all types of explosions with description
Public enumerationFightStyle
Contains all fighting styles.
Public enumerationKeys
Contains all detectable keys.
Public enumerationMapIcon
Contains all map icons.
Public enumerationMapIconType
Contains all map icon styles.
Public enumerationObjectMaterialSize
Contains all object material sizes.
Public enumerationObjectMaterialTextAlign
Contains all object material alignments.
Public enumerationObjectType
Contains all object types
Public enumerationPickupType
Contains all pickup types
Public enumerationPlayerClickSource
Contains all player click sources.
Public enumerationPlayerMarkersMode
Contains all PlayerMarker modes.
Public enumerationPlayerRecordingType
Contains all PlayerRecording types.
Public enumerationPlayerState
Contains all player states.
Public enumerationServerVarType
Contains all server variable types.
Public enumerationSpecialAction
Contains all special actions.
Public enumerationSpectateMode
Contains all specating modes.
Public enumerationTextDrawAlignment
Contains all textdraw alignments.
Public enumerationTextDrawFont
Contains all fonts.
Public enumerationVehicleCategory
Contains all vehicle categories.
Public enumerationVehicleColor
Contains vehicle colors
Public enumerationVehicleModelInfoType
Contains all vehicle model information types.
Public enumerationVehicleModelType
Contains all vehicle models.
Public enumerationVehicleParameterValue
Contains all vehicle param values.
Public enumerationWeapon
Contains all weapons.
Public enumerationWeaponSkill
Contains all weapon skills types.
Public enumerationWeaponState
Contains all weapon states.