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PickupType Enumeration

Contains all pickup types

Namespace:  SampSharp.Entities.SAMP
Assembly:  SampSharp.Entities (in SampSharp.Entities.dll) Version: 0.0.0-localbuild+05637d43e9f34d872e453289d4e240c843e43b09
public enum PickupType
  Member nameValueDescription
ShowButNotPickupable0 The pickup does not always display. If displayed, it can't be picked up and does not trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup and it will stay after server shutdown.
ScriptedActionsOnlyEveryFewSeconds1 Exists always. Disables pickup scripts such as horseshoes and oysters to allow for scripted actions ONLY. Will trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup every few seconds.
ShowNearAndRespawnWhenPickup2 Disappears after pickup, respawns after 30 seconds if the player is at a distance of at least 15 meters.
ShowAndRespawnWhenDeath3 Disappears after pickup, respawns after death.
ShowTemporary1520AndRespawnWhenDeath4 Disappears after 15 to 20 seconds. Respawns after death.
ShowTillPickedUp8 Disappears after pickup, but has no effect.
ShowAndExplode11 Blows up a few seconds after being created (bombs?)
ShowAndExplode212 Blows up a few seconds after being created.
HiddenPlaySoundButNotPickupable13 Invisible. Triggers checkpoint sound when picked up with a vehicle, but doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup.
ShowAndPickupableWithVehicleWithSound14 Disappears after pickup, can only be picked up with a vehicle. Triggers checkpoint sound.
ShowNearAndRespawnWhenPickup215 Disappears after pickup, respawns after 30 seconds if the player is at a distance of at least 15 meters.
ScriptedActionsOnlyEveryFewSecondsButTabDisappear18 Similar to type 1. Pressing Tab (KEY_ACTION) makes it disappear but the key press doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup.
ShowAndNoRespawnAfterPickupWithSound19 Disappears after pickup, but doesn't respawn. Makes "cash pickup" sound if picked up.
ScriptedActionsOnlyEveryFewSecondsButCameraWillDestroy20 Similar to type 1. Disappears when you take a picture of it with the Camera weapon, which triggers "Snapshot # out of 0" message. Taking a picture doesn't trigger OnPlayerPickUpPickup.
ShowAndRespawnWhenDeath222 Disappears after pickup, respawns after death.
See Also