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ExplosionType Enumeration

Contains all types of explosions with description

Namespace:  SampSharp.Entities.SAMP
Assembly:  SampSharp.Entities (in SampSharp.Entities.dll) Version: 0.0.0-localbuild+05637d43e9f34d872e453289d4e240c843e43b09
public enum ExplosionType
  Member nameValueDescription
LargeVisibleDamage0 Size large. Visible. Damage.
NormalVisibleFire1 Size normal. Visible. Creates a fire.
LargeVisibleDamageFire2 Size large. Visible. Damage. Creates a fire.
LargeVisibleDamageFire23 Size large. Visible. Damage. Sometimes it does not create a fire.
NormalVisibleDamageFlash4 Size normal. Visible. Damage. It represents a vanishing flash. No sound.
NormalVisibleDamageFlash25 Size normal. Visible. Damage. It represents a vanishing flash. No sound.
VeryLargeVisibleDamage6 Size very large. Visible. Damage. Additional reddish explosion after-glow.
HugeVisibleDamage7 Size huge. Visible. Damage. Additional reddish explosion after-glow.
NormalInvisibleDamage8 Size normal. Invisible. Damage.
NormalInvisibleDamageFire9 Size normal. Damage. Creates a fire at ground level, otherwise explosion is heard but invisible.
LargeVisibleDamage210 Size large. Visible. Damage. Compared to the LargeVisibleDamage, the explosion seems great.
SmallVisibleDamage11 Size small. Visible. Damage.
VerySmallVisibleDamage12 Size very small. Visible. Damage.
LargeInvisible13 Size large. Invisible. Produces no special effects other than black burn effects on the ground.
See Also