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BaseMode Methods

The BaseMode type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Vector3, Single)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Int32, Vector3, Single)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAddPlayerClass(Int32, Int32, Vector3, Single, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32, Weapon, Int32)
Adds a class to class selection. Classes are used so players may spawn with a skin of their choice.
Public methodAllowInteriorWeapons
Toggle whether the usage of weapons in interiors is allowed or not.
Protected methodAssertNotDisposed
Checks whether this instance has been disposed. If it has, it throws an exception.
(Inherited from Disposable.)
Public methodAutoloadControllersForAssembly
Autoloads the controllers in the specified assembly.
Public methodDisableInteriorEnterExits
Disable all the interior entrances and exits in the game (the yellow arrows at doors).
Public methodDisableNameTagLOS
Disables the name tag line of sight test.
Public methodDispose
Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Inherited from Disposable.)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean)
Performs tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
(Overrides DisposableDispose(Boolean).)
Public methodEnableStuntBonusForAll
Enables or disables stunt bonuses for all players.
Public methodEnableTirePopping
With this function you can enable or disable tire popping.
Public methodEnableVehicleFriendlyFire
Enable friendly fire for team vehicles.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExit
Ends and restarts the game mode.
Protected methodFinalize
Finalizes an instance of the Disposable class.
(Inherited from Disposable.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodLimitGlobalChatRadius
Set a radius limitation for the chat. Only players at a certain distance from the player will see their message in the chat. Also changes the distance at which a player can see other players on the map at the same distance.
Public methodLimitPlayerMarkerRadius
Set the player marker radius.
Protected methodLoadControllers
Loads all controllers into the given ControllerCollection.
Public methodManualVehicleEngineAndLights
Use this function before any player connects (OnInitialized(EventArgs)) to tell all clients that the script will control vehicle engines and lights. This prevents the game automatically turning the engine on/off when players enter/exit vehicles and headlights automatically coming on when it is dark.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodOnActorStreamIn
Raises the ActorStreamIn event.
Protected methodOnActorStreamOut
Raises the ActorStreamOut event.
Protected methodOnDialogResponse
Raises the DialogResponse event.
Protected methodOnExited
Raises the Exited event.
Protected methodOnIncomingConnection
Raises the IncomingConnection event.
Protected methodOnInitialized
Raises the Initialized event.
Protected methodOnObjectMoved
Raises the ObjectMoved event.
Protected methodOnPlayerCancelClickTextDraw
Raises the PlayerCancelClickTextDraw event.
Protected methodOnPlayerCleanup
Raises the PlayerCleanup event.
Protected methodOnPlayerClickMap
Raises the PlayerClickMap event.
Protected methodOnPlayerClickPlayer
Raises the PlayerClickPlayer event.
Protected methodOnPlayerClickPlayerTextDraw
Raises the PlayerClickPlayerTextDraw event.
Protected methodOnPlayerClickTextDraw
Raises the PlayerClickTextDraw event.
Protected methodOnPlayerCommandText
Raises the PlayerCommandText event.
Protected methodOnPlayerConnected
Raises the PlayerConnected event.
Protected methodOnPlayerDied
Raises the PlayerDied event.
Protected methodOnPlayerDisconnected
Raises the PlayerDisconnected event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEditAttachedObject
Raises the PlayerEditAttachedObject event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEditGlobalObject
Raises the PlayerEditGlobalObject event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEditPlayerObject
Raises the PlayerEditPlayerObject event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
Raises the PlayerEnterCheckpoint event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEnterExitModShop
Raises the PlayerEnterExitModShop event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint
Raises the PlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint event.
Protected methodOnPlayerEnterVehicle
Raises the PlayerEnterVehicle event.
Protected methodOnPlayerExitedMenu
Raises the PlayerExitedMenu event.
Protected methodOnPlayerExitVehicle
Raises the PlayerExitVehicle event.
Protected methodOnPlayerGiveDamage
Raises the PlayerGiveDamage event.
Protected methodOnPlayerGiveDamageActor
Raises the PlayerGiveDamageActor event.
Protected methodOnPlayerInteriorChanged
Raises the PlayerInteriorChanged event.
Protected methodOnPlayerKeyStateChanged
Raises the PlayerKeyStateChanged event.
Protected methodOnPlayerLeaveCheckpoint
Raises the PlayerLeaveCheckpoint event.
Protected methodOnPlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint
Raises the PlayerLeaveRaceCheckpoint event.
Protected methodOnPlayerObjectMoved
Raises the PlayerObjectMoved event.
Protected methodOnPlayerPickUpPickup
Raises the PlayerPickUpPickup event.
Protected methodOnPlayerRequestClass
Raises the PlayerRequestClass event.
Protected methodOnPlayerRequestSpawn
Raises the PlayerRequestSpawn event.
Protected methodOnPlayerSelectedMenuRow
Raises the PlayerSelectedMenuRow event.
Protected methodOnPlayerSelectGlobalObject
Raises the PlayerSelectGlobalObject event.
Protected methodOnPlayerSelectPlayerObject
Raises the PlayerSelectPlayerObject event.
Protected methodOnPlayerSpawned
Raises the PlayerSpawned event.
Protected methodOnPlayerStateChanged
Raises the PlayerStateChanged event.
Protected methodOnPlayerStreamIn
Raises the PlayerStreamIn event.
Protected methodOnPlayerStreamOut
Raises the PlayerStreamOut event.
Protected methodOnPlayerTakeDamage
Raises the PlayerTakeDamage event.
Protected methodOnPlayerText
Raises the PlayerText event.
Protected methodOnPlayerUpdate
Raises the PlayerUpdate event.
Protected methodOnPlayerWeaponShot
Raises the PlayerWeaponShot event.
Protected methodOnRconCommand
Raises the RconCommand event.
Protected methodOnRconLoginAttempt
Raises the RconLoginAttempt event.
Protected methodOnTick
Raises the Tick event.
Protected methodOnTrailerUpdate
Raises the TrailerUpdate event.
Protected methodOnUnoccupiedVehicleUpdated
Raises the UnoccupiedVehicleUpdated event.
Protected methodOnVehicleDamageStatusUpdated
Raises the VehicleDamageStatusUpdated event.
Protected methodOnVehicleDied
Raises the VehicleDied event.
Protected methodOnVehicleMod
Raises the VehicleMod event.
Protected methodOnVehiclePaintjobApplied
Raises the VehiclePaintjobApplied event.
Protected methodOnVehicleResprayed
Raises the VehicleResprayed event.
Protected methodOnVehicleSirenStateChange
Raises the VehicleSirenStateChange event.
Protected methodOnVehicleSpawned
Raises the VehicleSpawned event.
Protected methodOnVehicleStreamIn
Raises the VehicleStreamIn event.
Protected methodOnVehicleStreamOut
Raises the VehicleStreamOut event.
Public methodRegisterExtensionT
Registers the specified extension.
Public methodSendRconCommand
Sends an RCON command.
Public methodSetGameModeText
Set the name of the game mode, which appears in the server browser.
Public methodSetNameTagDrawDistance
Set the maximum distance to display the names of players.
Public methodSetTeamCount
This function is used to change the amount of teams used in the game mode. It has no obvious way of being used, but can help to indicate the number of teams used for better (more effective) internal handling. This function should only be used in the OnInitialized(EventArgs) callback.
Public methodShowNameTags
Toggle the drawing of player name tags, health bars and armor bars above players.
Public methodShowPlayerMarkers
A function that can be used in OnInitialized(EventArgs) to enable or disable the players markers, which would normally be shown on the radar. If you want to change the marker settings at some other point in the gamemode, have a look at SetPlayerMarker(BasePlayer, Color) which does exactly that.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUsePlayerPedAnimations
Uses standard player walking animation (animation of CJ) instead of custom animations for every skin (e.g. skating for skater skins).
See Also